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How to use AI to up your marketing game

By now, most marketers have heard about the AI tools flooding the market. While it has a reputation for creating generic content, it is perfect for helping businesses brainstorm, especially when you need variations on a theme, such as a group of related blog post ideas or subject lines for a seasonal email campaign. 

Enter AI prompts, which allow you to generate reams of suggestions in moments by interacting with a Large Language Model, such as Open AI’s ChatGPT, or a tool designed for short-form copy, like Iterable’s Copy Assist.

Read on to learn how to implement AI prompts in your digital marketing strategy:


Idea generation

AI prompts can spark creativity and innovative ideas – but they work best when you get specific. For example, when crafting a prompt, include ‘seed copy’ – information regarding your target audience and text snippets that reflect your brand’s tone of voice. 

For instance, if a marketer needs inspiration for a blog post, they can input a brief description of the topic into the AI prompt tool, along with details about who the content is aimed at, its purpose (e.g. to encourage enquiries or sales), and instructions on tone of voice. 

The AI can then generate outlines, headlines, and even introductory paragraphs, providing a solid foundation for your creative team to work with.


Personalised messaging

Marketers can input customer profiles, purchase history, or preferences into AI prompt tools to receive suggestions for personalised email campaigns, product recommendations, and targeted advertisements, enhancing engagement and improving conversion rates.

For example, you can ask AI to generate subject lines during a sales period targeted at different segments of your email list, whether you’re an estate agent reeling in first-time buyers or an insurance broker looking to offer a product designed for globetrotters.


Optimising ad copy and SEO

AI prompts can create high-quality, SEO-friendly ad copy, meta descriptions, and website content if they’re fed key information, such as target keywords, product details, or campaign objectives. 


Automating social media accounts

By automating routine social media tasks, you can focus on strategic aspects of your campaigns. If you use AI prompts correctly, they can ensure consistent messaging through captions, comments, or responses and help maintain an active and engaging online presence. Again, you’ll need to provide information about your brand’s tone, objectives, and target audience for best results.


Predictive analytics 

AI prompts can analyse vast amounts of data to provide insights into campaign performance and predict future trends. Simply input data from past campaigns, customer interactions, and market trends to receive recommendations, which will help you make informed decisions about budget allocation, target audience selection, and overall campaign strategy. 


As digital marketing continues to evolve, incorporating AI prompts into your workflow can unlock new levels of efficiency, creativity, and effectiveness as you expand your business.