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5 tips to ensure you stay successful at work…

Feeling like all you do is work nowadays? This may be a sign that you need to establish boundaries. As life and work both consume your being, it can sometimes be difficult to switch off. We discuss five top tips on how to regain control of your day.


What does work-life balance mean?

Work-life balance is the relationship between your work and personal life, where a harmonious relationship should be maintained. Having a healthy relationship between the two allows you to manage your time and energy for personal and professional commitments, all while ensuring you don't burn out.


Tip 1

Set boundaries

No one is paid to work 24/7, so set aside time for you and your loved ones. If you want to spend the last two hours in the evening catching up on the latest series with your partner or reading a good book, log out of your email and switch your phone to do not disturb. As hard as it may be, you need to define clear working hours and then times where you can switch off and focus on non-related work tasks.


Tip 2

Introduce time management

Introducing boundaries between personal and professional can actually help you excel further in work as you become more dedicated within the set hours rather than working all the time. This can lead to you becoming fed up, burned out, and tired. Organise and prioritise tasks clearly at work, as well as engaging in hobbies and personal commitments.


Tip 3

Have lunch away from your desk

As silly as it may sound, skipping lunch can become a bad habit during work. Always take a break and get some fresh air, as this will boost productivity and your overall morale for the tasks at hand. Having lunch away from your desk allows you to hit the refresh button.


Tip 4

Consider flexible working

Sometimes there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Depending on your employer and circumstances, you could reclaim time by making a flexible working request. Types of flexible working include job sharing, going part-time, changing your hours around, compressing your hours, phased retirement, hybrid work, and remote work.


Nowadays, flexible working is becoming more common, as many employees work from home a couple days per week. This allows employees to regain control of their days, reducing their overall travel time and costs.


Tip 5

Seek support

You're probably pretty worn out if you’re juggling work and balancing many personal responsibilities. You have to unwind, sleep, and stay healthy; otherwise, you’re more likely to become mentally or physically unwell, which will affect your performance at home and at work. There are many different methods to calm the chaos, but making that first step is the most important.


Why is work-life balance so important?

A good work-life balance is extremely healthy, as it allows you to not become overworked or burn out. Treat your life like a diet; you should maintain a balance of differences for it to stay healthy. People who overwork themselves can become exhausted, unhealthy, and have less productivity at work.


Finding the right balance between work and life is a crucial part of being the best version of yourself at work and at home. The right relationship will vary from person to person, so build a plan that supports you.


Contact us for more information on how to find the right work-life balance