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Seven ways to craft stand-out subject lines that get noticed

Seven ways to craft stand-out subject lines that get noticed(Click to zoom)
Seven ways to craft stand-out subject lines that get noticed

Email subject lines are akin to front-page newspaper headlines; they’re the first thing your audience sees, so they must grab their attention. But with just 60 characters to play with, getting it right is both an art and a science.


Luckily, we have seven tips for landing the best results.


  1. Declutter


While the maximum character limit for a subject line is around 60, mobile devices often only display the first 41. Cutting unnecessary words and using shorter and stronger alternatives creates more impact and ensures your email gets seen.


  1. Connect


Data from software company Campaign Monitor shows that almost three-quarters of marketers gain 20% in revenue from using their subscribers’ first names in the subject line. It’s also worth sending emails with an email address that begins with your name rather than a department. After all, it’s hard to form a bond with a faceless company.


  1. Intrigue


Who doesn’t have a bulging inbox these days? Find an angle that excites or stimulates your customers to stand out from the crowd. For example, an estate agent could email potential sellers news of an average price increase in their area. Questions and figures are other great ways to pique curiosity.


  1. Give value


Not all emails are about the hard sell. Make it clear in your subject line when you’re offering something valuable, such as curated deals, ways to improve your subscribers’ work or personal life, or anything else that will benefit them.


  1. Motivate


Most of us read and respond to the most important or time-sensitive emails first. Leverage this inclination by adding urgency, e.g. a flash sale, to your subject line. Just don’t do it too often, or your subscribers will stop taking you seriously.


  1. Work with filters


Keywords and phrases that appeal to your target audience will attract their attention and get into the right inboxes. Because every list is unique, you may have to tweak which keywords you recruit by testing different options.


  1. Go clickbait free


While gimmicky subject lines can initially pull in clicks, they won’t establish the level of trust necessary to secure long-term, repeat business. We’re talking about creating false urgency or importance that isn’t delivered in the email itself. Always aim to give your audience value, even when you’re trying to make a sale. That way, they know it’s worth their time to open your emails in the future.


Now that you know how to approach your subject lines, why not start brainstorming ideas?