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Maximise your Return on Investment by repurposing content

What is ROI?

ROI stands for return on investment, or to put it simply, the return you get from something. 


In this case, it relates to content marketing and what gets delivered back to your business from your marketing efforts. This is often done through appraisals or instructions.


Knowing about your return on investment is important for estate agents who are looking to grow and succeed with the help of utilising content correctly. In this article, we are going to discuss the importance of recycling your content in the correct manner to receive the best ROI.


Why do you want to reuse your content?

If you’re a business looking for a cost-effective, simpler process when it comes to publishing content, then reusing high-performing, old content is a great way to reach your target audience again.


Repurposing content can take many different forms and can be as simple as reformatting an old piece of content into a different channel, such as converting a blog into a scripted video. You can also take multiple pieces of small content and create one large, in-depth piece.

When you consider the cost of making one piece of content, it is important that you see the ROI, so recycling content at least once can ensure you have utilised the piece of content to its fullest, maximising its ROI.


How can you extend your content lifecycle?

It's important to ensure correct execution when reusing content. Sometimes you can have technical barriers when content is recycled; this is due to poor content management. Repurposing content should be a quick process to see a ROI, so you should have the ability to find, edit, and publish the content quickly.


Recycle your peak content, maximise your content’s ROI, and deliver compelling content on a large scale.


Repurposing content

Measure your engagement

The first step to strategically recycling your content is to measure your reach and engagement on different channels. This can help you identify your customers journey map, what type of content people lean towards, and where they view it.


You can identify your overall engagement on different types of devices and the geography. Engagement metrics can be page views, bounce rates, organic traffic, and the duration spent on a page.


Recycle high-performing content

By sourcing your best-performing content, you can be sure that the repurposed content will be of high quality and high performance. This once again ensures you will maximise your ROI with your content. Repurposing old content could also spark new ideas for future content.


Map out your content

Before repurposing your old content, it is vital to map out the process and create a content strategy. For example, using high-performing content from the past and producing edited, shorter versions for social media can help create more eye-catching content. This could be used and completed in many different forms and channels.


The goal of repurposing content is to achieve a higher level of engagement, similar to the initial response. So, mapping it out and creating a plan will allow the content to have maximum reusability.


Modularising your content

Modularise your content so, in the future, you can tactically repurpose it. This allows you to identify what content your customers want to interact with and increase your business’s popularity. So, by modularising content, you can personalise it, knowing all the different types of channels to target instead of having to create loads of new content for each channel.


How can BriefYourMarket help your business?

Here at BriefYourMarket, we believe in creating ease when it comes to digital marketing. We can repurpose your content to create new and enticing material, increasing your overall engagement.


Allow us to boost your business through digital marketing, reaching new audiences, and increasing your overall success.


Contact us today for more information