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What is social listening?

Social listening is the process of tracking conversations on social media related to your brand, analysing them, and extracting insights that help you understand your marketing and its impact. 


The whole idea behind social listening is to understand your audience and listen to what they're saying. What are they talking about? What interests them? Gathering data like this allows you to uncover a number of ways you could reach them, inspiring new content ideas.


Social listening can include conversations with direct mentions of your brand or discussions around your industry, competitors, keywords, or other relevant topics.


Digital marketing is one of the most important ways to establish a brand's presence, especially through social media. So, by using the marketing tool, social listening, your brand can focus on your audience and what they are saying and feeling, informing your future marketing efforts.


The benefits of social listening

Through social listening, you are able to track any mentions of your brand and understand its popularity. Based on their opinions, assess how your audience sees and understands your brand. You can discover how to target your market with commonly used trends or relevant keywords, creating the potential for incredible marketing. Overall, understand your audience - who they are, what they do, how they spend time online, what they want, and how they perceive your brand.

Social listening is such a powerful tool that, in addition to supporting your overall marketing efforts, it can help you understand how to improve customer engagement and service, as well as what you can do to boost your brand's overall success.


The importance of social listening

From successful marketing to improving your customer journey, social listening can have a huge impact on your business. 


Understanding your audience - As a business, you need to understand your audience and how they see your brand, allowing you to customise content and target customers.


Reputation management - By understanding the positive and negative views of your business, you can improve the business’s perception and its overall reputation. 


Market analysis – Allows you to analyse trends, customer behaviour, customer experience, and opportunities, potentially giving you a competitive edge within the market.


Competitive insights – You are able to learn from your competitors’ successes and failures by actively social listening and determining how the target audience differentiates you and your competitors. 


Content strategy – Social listening allows you to understand what content reaches the furthest and what impact it makes; you’ll be able to create more engaging content.


How can BriefYourMarket impact your marketing?

By allowing BriefYourMarket to support you throughout your marketing journey as a business, we can ensure maximum success. Our digital marketing strategies and communications management are proven to boost customer engagement with minimal effort from your side as we create personalised content for your brand. 


Digital marketing is the new way of the marketing world, and with BriefYourMarket by your side, we can guarantee a digital marketing service that will make a difference and drive results. 


With plentiful activity occurring on social media daily, it’s crucial to take advantage of this through social listening. Take the time to actively listen to your audience, understand them better, and drive your business to success.


Contact BriefYourMarket today to discuss how we could make a difference in your business through digital marketing