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Keep it simple: the importance of simple headlines

Are you aware of how much a simple headline can positively impact your customers' engagement and click-through rate?


Researchers conducted a study proving that readers are more likely to engage with and click on a headline that uses simple language. The reader was more attentive to the simpler headlines because they understood the language rather than the complex phrasing.

Keep it simple; don't disconnect your reader with intricate wording.


Why do headlines matter?

Capturing attention and maintaining high reader engagement is a tough gig, so a compelling headline is more important than ever. Facebook users post 1.7 million pieces of content every 60 seconds, so you need to make sure yours truly stands out. 


As content creation grows rapidly in the new world of AI (artificial intelligence), grabbing attention becomes harder and harder by the second. When creating any form of content, you want it to make noise and boost attention to the specific business. 


Why are simple headlines important?

The headline is the most important part of any content, as it has the job of grabbing the customers attention and encouraging them to read the first line. It’s all about holding engagement so that the reader then identifies the goals and key takeaways of the content.


Once the reader’s attention has been maintained, you should build brand awareness, educate, convert the attention into a lead, create trust, and begin the customer journey. 


It’s that simple: get your reader to understand the headline and grab their attention immediately.


Do you know your audience? 

Knowing your audience is a vital part of creating your content and headlines.


A study revealed the difference between professional writers and general readers and how the professional writers preferred the less simple headlines, unlike the general reader.


If your content is primarily B2C, you are likely targeting a general readership, so it's important to keep your headlines simple. If your content primarily targets B2B, crafting engaging and innovative content could boost engagement, as they always want to learn.


How can you make attention-grabbing headlines?

Writing a good headline is all about understanding the emotional triggers in the reader. Balancing emotional appeal with authenticity and value is key to creating headlines that resonate with the reader.


Use power words that create a strong, persuasive impact and evoke a certain importance, which makes the writing more engaging. 


Do you understand the role of SEO in headlines?

By placing certain SEO (search engine optimisation) into your headlines, you can maintain constant traffic for years on a certain article, blog, or campaign. 


Headlines are your biggest and most important source of attention, so by simply placing a key word throughout your headline, you could boost reader engagement massively. 


How can BriefYourMarket help your marketing?

Here at BriefYourMarket, we want to make your marketing simple. We can create localised content that drives your business’s ROI by discovering your desired audience and providing a relevant message to the reader. Our marketing methods are simple yet effective, generating new opportunities for you and your business.


As you compete for the reader’s attention, simple headlines could be the competitive advantage you need. Simplified writing makes information more engaging and accessible to a wider audience. So, test different writing styles and headlines to see what engages your desired audience.


Get in touch with BriefYourMarket today to see how we can help you and your business