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Strategies for Improved Email Deliverability

The success of digital marketing campaigns often hinges on a critical factor: email deliverability. This measures how easily emails reach subscribers’ inboxes – without being flagged as spam or filtered into the promotions tab or junk folder. 


In this article, we’ll explore strategies businesses can implement to enhance their email deliverability and ensure their messages effectively reach their target audience.


Build and maintain a quality email list

One of the fundamental aspects of improving email deliverability is to have a clean and well-maintained email list. Regularly clean your list by removing invalid email addresses and unsubscribed users. Avoid purchasing email lists, as they often contain outdated or inaccurate information and can harm your sender reputation.


Use double opt-in

Implementing a double opt-in process ensures that subscribers genuinely want to receive your emails. This two-step verification confirms the subscriber's interest and helps prevent fake or mistyped email addresses from entering your list. This practice contributes to a higher quality and engaged audience, positively impacting your standing.


Personalise your emails

Personalised emails not only enhance user engagement but also contribute to better deliverability. Tailor your content based on user preferences, behaviours, and demographics. Personalisation goes beyond just using the recipient’s name – it involves creating relevant and targeted content that resonates, increasing the likelihood that your emails will be opened and interacted with.


Master subject lines

The subject line often determines whether someone opens your emails or deletes them. Avoid spammy or misleading subject lines, as they can trigger spam filters. Instead, focus on creating concise, compelling, and relevant subject lines that reflect what the recipient will find inside.


Optimise email content:

Ensure that your emails are well-designed, mobile-friendly, and contain a balance of text and images. Use a clear and compelling call-to-action and avoid excessive links or attachments that could trigger spam filters. Regularly test your emails to identify any elements that might impact deliverability negatively.


Authenticate your emails:

Authentication protocols – such as SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) – verify the authenticity of your emails, reducing the likelihood of being mistaken as spam.


Monitor and analyse:

Regularly monitor your email deliverability metrics using tools provided by your email service provider. Keep an eye on bounce rates, open rates, and click-through rates. Analyse this data to identify trends, pinpoint potential issues, and make data-driven adjustments to your email strategy.

By following the tips above, anyone can enhance their email deliverability, improve their sender reputation, and ultimately increase their brand’s reach and influence. Remember, successful email communication is not just about sending messages but ensuring they reach the right audience at the right time.